There are some stages of coordination when involve in a project and based on the store status, there are 3 categories: Opening New Store, Store Rejuvenation and Existing Store Requests. Opening New Store will start with studying the store blueprint done by the Interior Designer and then followed with:
Site Visit (check all measurement)
Design Planning
Coordinate With Visual Merchandiser Team
Budget Request
Vendor Selection And Evaluation
Start Designing:
If from the previous projects with other companies I involved with mostly layout design, illustrations, video editing, photo editing, motion graphic, and Social Media content creation, this time the work was heavy in
Photos Manipulation & Editing and Layout Design.
These are some nightmare scenarios for my job:
- Usually for the Lawn & Garden department, I will have to place a wall backdrop but sometimes the sizes might be changed (could be smaller or bigger or taller or shorter or even moved). So, throughout the project I have to always coordinate with the Store Manager, Department Owner, Visual Merchandiser, Interior Designer, Contractor and the Vendors.
- A location of department moved or switched with the other department where the walls, column pillars are having different sizes and focus points.
- The height and width of all column pillars adjusted to taller or shorter. This will affect the flexy sizes.
- For new stores with high ceiling or located in high-end areas, we will add bulkhead images because then customers can still see what product and where. But then, it happened that the height of display racks adjusted to taller or shorter which will affect the bulkhead image sizes.
- Opening or Rejuvenation schedule got delayed or even moved ahead.
- And other scenarios related to change of sizes, materials, locations, floor plans, and schedule.
After all design are printed and quality checked, it's time for the vendors to install them based on the map I provided.
Either I will supervise remotely through the vendors or for some projects I will come to the site.
My job is done once all materials are placed in correct sizes and positions for the Grand Opening Day.
But the bigger goals?
To provide an informative-decorative seamless customer journey and when I hear the first day sales was above expectation that felt like accomplishment to me.
Before I joined the company, I didn't realize how well-thought the whole customers' journey are for ACE Hardware Indonesia because I was just a customer but now my point of view changed.
It's not an A-B process but it's an A-Z process and each steps affect the delivery.