Hidden Langkawi

Marketing | Social Media Strategies | Content Creator | In-house Designer | PR
Far far away in an island called Langkawi, there built a Restaurant & Bar called Hidden Langkawi.
Product: Malaysian fusion cafe food, alcohol and non-alcohol beverages.
Vision: to become the trend setter of a very youngster-millennial dining experience in Langkawi island.
Brand Persona: hipster, adventurous, bright with tropical vibe.
What I Do
I applied as a part of the cook actually and it was a no considering I have less professional cooking experience before. Luckily, there was another available position as the Marketing Manager cum In-House Graphic Designer so I applied and it's a yes. Worked closely with the owner, I also involved in recruiting, PR, event planner, etc. And the experience became more and more interesting..........

When I joined, there wasn't lots of creative and marketing directions because the company was so fresh from
the oven. The owner did consult to a Branding Designer for the branding guideline but it was a very outermost layer.
From there, I used the guideline and explore the usage for any visuals needed for both marketing and branding purposes including printed and digital media.

For Branding and Marketing purposes, here are some printed assets we produced before:
Food & Drink Menu Book
TripAdvisor QR Code Card
Table Menu
Acrylic Table Display
Event Proposals
Business Name Cards

Social Channels:TripAdvisor
When I joined, it was 400+ followers and since then it's growing continuously 200%+ monthly.
To be frank, all contents are organic as I didn't use paid ads at all but because we had more brand exposure, we actually got free spreads from some community groups in social media especially Facebook and Instagram.
More good mention about the brand = more exposure = more new customers $$

Design Tools:
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Lightroom
Social Media Management Tools: Preview (to plan IG grid), Hootsuite

Overal, I'm hands-on in everything involved with the Marketing, Creative, PR and other strategies to grow the business
because our goal is to make Hidden Langkawi Restaurant and Bar as the must visit place in Langkawi island.

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Any exciting project you want to talk about?
Drop me an email: hello.dwikumbini@gmail.com